Asset Management
Asset Management

CICC Asset Management (CICC AM) provides high-quality asset management services to help our clients achieve long-term returns, as well as other financial goals. Established in 2002, CICC AM is one of the leading investment managers in China and continues to expand in both China and international markets.

Client Service And Investment Excellence

Asset Management Offering

Leading Cross-border Investment Management

Our priority is to earn clients’ trust and meet all their investment needs. With this in mind, we take time to listen to our clients and treat every relationship with accountability, integrity and compassion. We aim to deliver excellent, long-term performance through our proven investment process, established risk management framework and strong research capability. 

CICC AM offers both actively and passively managed strategies in equity, fixed income, quants, multi-asset and alternatives, in the format of public funds, private funds as well as mandates. 

CICC AM is licensed to manage assets for corporate annuities, occupational annuities, insurance companies and China’s National Council for Social Security Fund. Additionally, it is approved as a Collective Fund and Segregated Account Manager, Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor (QDII), RMB Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor (RQDII), RMB Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (RQFII) and Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (QFII).

CICC was one of the first Chinese institutions to provide a global asset management offering through its wholly owned subsidiary, China International Capital Corporation Hong Kong Asset Management Limited (CICC HKAM). With the aim of becoming a recognized China investment expert for global investors and a trusted overseas asset management partner for Chinese institutions, CICC HKAM connects China with international markets, helps investors achieve a global asset allocation, and shares China's rapid development with international investors. 

CICC HKAM is licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong to conduct Type 1 (Dealing in Securities), Type 4 (Advising on Securities) and Type 9 (Asset Management) regulated activities.

CICC fund

Mutual fund management is a significant business that CICC has been developing for some time.

CICC fund
As of December 31, 2023, CICC AM has RMB 553 billion in assets under management (AUM).

CICC AM won the "Best Full-Service Asset Management Institution Award" from Securities Times

CICC HKAM won the “Asset Management Company of the Year, Overall Offshore China Award” from The Asset

CICC AM won two awards: "Best Asset Management Institution" and "Best Asset Management for Fixed Income" from China Fund

CICC AM won the "Best 5-Year Collective Asset Management Plan Manager Award" from China Securities Journal

CICC Xinrui won the "Best Public Equity Products Award" from Securities Times, and won the "Best 5-Year Long-only Equity Collective Asset Management Plan Award" from China Securities Journal

CICC AM won three awards: "Best 5-Year Hybrid Bond (Type 2) Collective Asset Management Plan Award", "Best 1-Year Short-term Bond Collective Asset Management Plan Award" and "Best 3-Year FOF Collective Asset Management Plan Award" from China Securities Journal

CICC AM won the "Best Securities Companies for Asset Management Award" from NBD

CICC AM won the "Best Securities Company for Asset Management Award" from Financial News

CICC HKAM obtained SFC license for Type 1 (Dealing in Securities) regulated activity

Implemented the first employee-engagement strategy placing product for Beijing Stock Exchange

CICC HKAM won the “Asset Management Company of the Year, Overall Offshore China Award” from The Asset

CICC AM won the “Best Asset Management of Securities Companies Award” from NBD

CICC AM won the “Best Full-Service Asset Management Institution Award” from Securities Times

CICC Xinrui won the “Public Equity Products Award” from Securities Times and the “Best 1-year Equity Asset Management Plan Award” from China Securities Journal

CICC AM won the “Best Fixed Income + Asset Management Product Award” from Securities Times

CICC AM won two awards: “Best Asset Management Institution” and “Best Asset Management for Fixed Income” from China Fund

CICC AM won 100% of bids for occupational pension plans in 33 provinces as the mandated investment manager

CICC AM launched the Hong Kong Stock Pension Product to be approved by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People’s Republic of China

CICC AM completed the first batch of "Bond Connect southbound" transactions

CICC HKAM won the “Overall Winner of the Asset Management Company of the Year, Offshore China Award” from The Asset

CICC AM won the “Best Investment Team of Equity Assets Award” and “Best Mutual Collective Asset Management Plan Team Award” from Securities Times

CICC HKAM won the “Best Asset Management Quantitative Team Award” from Securities Times

CICC AM won the “Best Asset Management Institution Award” from China Fund

CICC AM won the “Best Asset Management Institution of the Year Award” from China Securities Journal

CICC Xinrui A won the “Best 3-year Equity Asset Management Plan Award” from China Securities Journal

CICC Hengrui A won the “Best 1-year Bond Asset Management Plan Award” from China Securities Journal

CICC Jingxuan won the “Best 1-year Equity Asset Management Plan Award” from China Securities Journal

CICC HKAM launched CICC Global Nowcasting Asset Rotation Index (“NOAR”)

CICC launched an institutional service platform to digitalize the entire product life cycle and improve customer service for institutional clients

CICC AM Equity Team won the “Best Equity Team Award” from Securities Times

CICC AM won the “Best Asset Management Institution of the year Award” from China Securities Journal

CICC HKAM won the “Best Overseas Asset Management Institution of the Year Award” from China Securities Journal

CICC Anxin Huibao and CICC Xinrui won the “Best 3-year Asset Management Plan of the Year Awards” from China Securities Journal