Sustainable Business Practices
Sustainable Business Practices
Responsible Finance

We are dedicated to making sustainable investments and developing products and services to promote the sustainable development of the Company and the broader industry.

• CICC has issued a variety of green bonds and carbon neutrality bonds as the underwriter, covering green corporate bonds, commercial papers, financial bonds, medium-term notes, asset-backed securities and local government green bonds.

• In 2022, CICC completed investment banking business-related green finance project with a transaction amount of over RMB700 billion.

• In 2022, CICC underwrote onshore green bonds with an aggregate amount of approximately RMB340 billion.

• In 2022, CICC assisted enterprises in implementing green strategies in financing, completing 25 equity-related projects with a transaction amount of over RMB130 billion.

• CICC is establishing a number of green funds and expanding investment in green industries such as new energy, new materials and new technologies, comprehensively promoting the construction of low-carbon economy and society.

• In 2022, CICC established 5 equity investment funds to invest nearly RMB10 billion in carbon neutrality-related industries.

• A comprehensive ESG assessment system, which can assess the ESG progress of over 5,000 domestic bond issuers. This helps us to incorporate ESG factors into the business and investment decision-making processes.

• We incorporate ESG factors into the decision-making of our businesses and investments, including ESG weight allocation and ESG index enhancement strategies for the equities business, and an ESG bond index, green bond index and carbon neutrality bond index for the bonds business.

• An independently developed internal ESG investment analysis and management system, CHAMPs, to provide a reference for managers and researchers.

• We support micro, small and medium-sized and private enterprises to make financing less difficult and less expensive through a variety of financing services and tools. In 2022, we helped micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in financing of more than RMB240 billion.

• We assist the economic construction and development of rural areas by underwriting and issuing a number of rural revitalization-themed bonds. In 2022, CICC completed rural revitalization-related projects with a financing amount of over RMB45 billion.

• We support financing for post-disaster construction, which helps to provide a fast and direct financing channel to assist in the repair and reconstruction of infrastructure in disaster-hit areas.

Environmental Stewardship

To respond to the climate challenges we are seeing globally and support sustainable development measures, we have created our own carbon reduction plans and environmental protection goals at the operational level.

CICC’s carbon reduction strategy covers the management of our operating environment, green power procurement, and ecological protection and restoration.

Environmental Stewardship
Our People

At CICC, we believe our people are our most important asset. Building on a culture of “By the People”, we aim to provide an environment where our employees feel heard, cared for and empowered to grow together with the Company.  

Our People
Community Engagement
CICC supports rural revitalization programs through the provision of funds for infrastructure and education, professional training for grass-roots roles, and research projects.
CICC Charity Foundation
The CICC Charity Foundation is the philanthropic arm of CICC. Launched in March 2012, the foundation focuses on the following areas:
  • Natural disaster relief
  • Education, health care and sanitation
    improvement in poverty-stricken areas
  • Environmental and natural resource
We encourage our employees to actively participate in social welfare activities through a volunteer services system, CICC Charity Volunteer Team, and a dedicated management platform for CICC charity volunteers.

For details on our recent initiatives, visit our Charity Projects page.
Highlights in 2022
  • 31
    Number of charity and volunteer activities
  • 959 hours
    Total time of charity and volunteer activities
  • 3440 person-times
    Number of participants in charity and volunteer activities
  • RMB 50.6 million
    Total donations to external parties
Recent Community Initiatives

For details on our recent community engagement, visit our Events & Activities page.