Member of the Party Committee
Member of the Party Committee

Member of the Party Committee

  • Chen Liang

    Mr. Chen Liang (陈亮), born in January 1968, has been appointed as the Chairman of the Company since November 2023, and the Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Management Committee of the Company since October 2023. Mr. Chen has successively served as the director of the Computer Division, deputy general manager of the Securities Division, manager of the Securities Branch on Wenyi Road, and deputy general manager of the Securities Business Headquarters of Xinjiang Hongyuan Trust Investment Co., Ltd., from October 1994 to February 2001, successively served as the general manager and assistant to the general manager of the Urumqi Business Headquarters, general manager of the Xinjiang Marketing and Brokerage Center, and general manager of the Corporate Brokerage Business Headquarters of Hongyuan Securities Co., Ltd., from February 2001 to September 2009, served as the deputy general manager of Hongyuan Securities Co., Ltd. and chairman of the board of directors of Hongyuan Futures Co., Ltd., from September 2009 to January 2015, served as a member of the Party Committee of each of Shenwan Hongyuan Group Co., Ltd., a company listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 000166) and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 06806), and Shenwan Hongyuan Securities Co., Ltd., the general manager of Shenwan Hongyuan Group Co., Ltd., and an executive director of Shenwan Hongyuan Securities (Western) Co., Ltd., from December 2014 to May 2019, served as the secretary of the Party Committee of Shenwan Hongyuan Securities (Western) Co., Ltd., from August 2015 to May 2019, and successively served as the president, vice chairman and chairman of the board of directors of China Galaxy Securities Co., Ltd., a company listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 601881) and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 06881), from June 2019 to October 2023. Mr. Chen graduated from Xinjiang University majoring in mathematics (bachelor’s degree) in July 1989, and obtained an EMBA degree from Fudan University in January 2016.

  • Gao Tao

    Mr. Gao Tao (高涛), born in January 1965, has been elected as the employee representative Supervisor and appointed as the Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of the Company since June 2017. He served as the Secretary of the Party Committee of the Company from August 2019 to August 2020, and has been appointed as the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Company since August 2020. Mr. Gao currently serves as the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and the Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of the Company. He has been the Secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of the board of directors of CICC Wealth Management Securities Company Limited (formerly known as “China Investment Securities Company Limited”) since October 2015. From June 1991 to May 2005, he held several positions in China Construction Bank including general manager of the department of human resources and the director of the Party Committee Organization Department of Anhui Branch, and the Secretary of the Party Committee and president of Huainan Branch. From May 2005 to September 2005, he served as a member of the Securities Restructuring Committee of China Jianyin Investment Limited. From September 2005 to September 2006, he held several positions in China Investment Securities Company Limited, including general manager of the department of human resources, the director of the Party Committee Organization Department, Member of the Party Committee and vice president. From September 2006 to September 2012, he held several positions in Hongyuan Securities Co., Ltd., including vice general manager, board secretary, vice chairman and Secretary of the Party Committee. From September 2012 to August 2015, he served as the Member of the Party Committee and vice president of China Jianyin Investment Limited. Mr. Gao graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Anhui Agricultural University (formerly known as “Anhui Agricultural College”) in July 1986, and an executive master of business administration degree from Renmin University of China in January 2009.

  • Zhang Kejun

    Mr. Zhang Kejun (张克均), born in February 1966, has been appointed as the member of the Management Committee of the Company since October 2021,and the member of the Party Committee and Secretary of Discipline Inspection Commission of the Company since August 2021. Prior to joining the Group, he took several roles at Shenwan Hongyuan Securities Co., Ltd. (including its predecessor, Shenyin & Wanguo Securities Co., Ltd.) from April 1994 to August 2021, including general manager of its branch, general manager of divisions in headquarters and assistant president of the company, during which period he also acted as the member of the PartyCommittee and Secretary of Discipline Inspection Commission for Shenwan Hongyuan Group Co., Ltd. and Shenwan Hongyuan Securities Co., Ltd. from May 2020 to August 2021. He worked at Xiamen Branch of Industrial Bank in Fujian from April 1990 to April 1994, as department manager of the branch and assistant sub-branch manager successively. Mr. Zhang obtained a master’s degree in computer software from National University of Defense Technology in April 1990.

  • Xu Yicheng

    Mr. Xu Yicheng (徐翌成), born in October 1974, has been appointed as the member of the Management Committee of our Company since January 2023, and the member of the Party Committee since November 2019. He joined the Investment Banking Department of the Company in January 2000, and became a Managing Director in January 2008. He took several positions successively at the Company, including the Assistant President, Secretary to the Board of Directors, Head of Strategic Development Department, Head of Firm Office and Head of Asset Management Department. As one of China’s first mergers and acquisitions (M&A) professionals, he founded and led the Company’s M&A business since 2005. Mr. Xu was responsible for and closed a large number of landmark M&A transactions with a total value of more than USD150 billion, and led the team to top the China M&A leaderboard for five consecutive years (2006-2010). In recent years, Mr. Xu has assisted in formulating the Company’s medium and long-term strategic planning, including wealth management business strategy, asset management business strategy and other significant strategies, and took the lead in accomplishing important capital operations such as the acquisition of CISC and the introduction of Tencent as a strategic investor. Mr. Xu obtained a bachelor’s degree in Arts from Beijing Foreign Studies University in 1997 and a master’s degree in economics from the Graduate School of the People’s Bank of China in 2000.

  • Wang Jianli

    Mr. Wang Jianli (王建力), born in August 1971, has been appointed as the member of the Management Committee of our Company since January 2023, the member of the Party Committee since December 2022, and the director of the Executive Committee and the President of China CICC Wealth Management Securities Company Limited (formerly known as “China Investment Securities Company Limited”, both of which are hereinafter referred to as “CICC Wealth Management Securities”) since September 2023. He took several roles at CICC Wealth Management Securities including the General Manager of Guangzhou Branch,Head of Client Relationship Tribe, Assistant President, General Manager of Trading Operations Department, General Manager of Brokerage Business Headquarters, General Manager of Marketing Service Headquarters, General Manager of Marketing Department, General Manager of Product Center, General Manager of Wealth Management Department, etc. He once served as Deputy General Manager of Brokerage Business Headquarters, General Manager of Marketing Department, and General Manager of the Outlet of Shuiyin Road, Guangzhou at China Jianyin Investment Securities Company Ltd. (the predecessor of China Investment Securities Company Limited), Deputy General Manager at Guangzhou and Jinan Management Headquarters, and general manager assistant of Human Resources Department of China Southern Securities Co., Ltd. (the predecessor of China Investment Securities Company Limited). Mr. Wang obtained a bachelor’s degree in economics from Renmin University of China in 1992, and an EMBA degree from Peking University.

  • Wang Shuguang

    Mr. Wang Shuguang(王曙光), born in November 1974, has been appointed as the member of the Management Committee of our Company since January 2023, the member of the Party Committee since December 2022,and the Head of the Investment Banking Department of our Company from July 2022. He joined the Investment Banking Department of the Company in 1998 and became a Managing Director of the Company in January 2010. He took several positions in the Company, including the Head of Growth Enterprise Investment Banking Department, and Co-head of CICC Capital Management Department. Mr. Wang obtained dual bachelor’s degrees in science and economics at Tsinghua University in 1996, and a master’s degree in engineering at Tsinghua in 1998.

  • Du Pengfei

    Mr. Du Pengfei (杜鹏飞), born in July 1974, has been appointed as the member of the Party Committee and the member of the Management Committee of the Company, and has served as the Head of CPC Organization Department and the Head of Human Resources Department since April 2023, and has served as the Head of CICC Institute since September 2023 concurrently. Prior to joining the Group, he served as the Head of CPC Organization Department and the General Manager of Human Resources Department of China Jianyin Investment Limited (JIC). He once worked as the member of Party Committee and Chief Supervisor of JIC Holding Co., Ltd., the Party Secretary and Chairman of JIC Huawen Investment Co., Ltd., the Party Secretary and Chairman of JIC Investment Co., Ltd., the member of Executive Committee of China Jianyin Investment Limited, and took several roles at China Galaxy Securities Co., Ltd., a company listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 601881) and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 06881), including the member of Executive Committee, Business Director, Board Secretary, the Head of CPC Organization Department, General Manager of Human Resources Headquarters and Director of the Party School Office, as well as the Chairman of Galaxy Jinhui Securities Asset Management Co., Ltd. Mr. Du obtained a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Southwestern University of Finance and Economics in July 1998 and a master’s degree in Economics from University of International Business and Economics in June 2011.

  • Liang Dongqing

    Ms. Liang Dongqing(梁东擎), born in December 1983, has been appointed as the member of the Management Committee of the Company since September 2024 and the member of the Party Committee of the Company since August 2024, and currently serves as a member of the Party Committee, a member of the Executive Committee, vice president, chairman of the Trade Union, and head of the Investment Products & Solutions Tribe of China CICC Wealth Management Securities Company Limited (the “CICC Wealth Management”), and a director of CICC Wealth Management Futures CO., Ltd. Ms. Liang joined the Research Department of the Company in July 2008 and has successively served as the head of the Wealth Research Department and the co-deputy head of the Wealth Management Service Center of the Company, the general manager and chairman of the board of directors of CISC Investment Company Limited, and the general manager of the Product Center of CICC Wealth Management. Ms. Liang obtained a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Nankai University in 2005 and a master’s degree in Economics from Peking University in 2008.
